
Wednesday 2 December 2020

Fight against malpractice is to ensure Americans have faith in future elections: Trump

Trump alleged the corrupt mail-in balloting scheme that Democrats systematically put into place allowed voting to be altered, especially in swing states, which they had to win.
PTI/Representation Photo
Reiterating his allegations of massive voters fraud and electoral malpractice in the presidential polls, US President Donald Trump has told his supporters his fight was to ensure that Americans have faith in this and future elections. Within days after the election, we witnessed an orchestrated effort to anoint a winner, even while many key states were still being counted. The Constitutional process must be allowed to continue. We are going to defend the honesty of the vote by ensuring that every legal ballot is counted and that no illegal ballot is counted, Trump told his supporters at a White House Christmas Party on Tuesday. This is not just about honoring the votes of 74 million Americans who voted for me. It's about ensuring that Americans can have faith in this election, and in all future elections, Trump said, according to a transcript of his 45-minutes speech at the event which was closed for the press, but one of his supporters had it live on Facebook. Trump alleged the corrupt mail-in balloting scheme that Democrats systematically put into place allowed voting to be altered, especially in swing states, which they had to win. While it has long been understood that the Democrat political machine engages in voter fraud, from Detroit to Philadelphia to Milwaukee, Atlanta, so many other places, what changed this year was the Democrat party's relentlessly push to print and mail out tens of millions of ballots, sent to unknown recipients with virtually no safeguards of any kind, he said. This allowed, he alleged, fraud and abuse to occur on a scale never seen before. Using the pandemic as a pretext, Democrat politicians and judges drastically changed election procedures, just months, and in some cases, weeks, before the election, he said. Very rarely were legislatures involved which was Constitutionally required, he said. But very, very rarely, and you'll see that as we continue to file our suits, it's Constitutionally, absolutely incorrect what took place, even from a legal standpoint. Many states, such as Nevada and California, sent millions of live ballots to every person on their voter rolls, whether those individuals had requested ballots or not, he said. Whether they were dead or alive, they got the ballots, he claimed. Other states, such as Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin instituted universal absentee balloting right in the middle of an election year sending absentee ballot request forms to all voters, on all rolls, he said. This colossal expansion of mail-in voting opened the floodgates to massive fraud, alleged the president. Notably, election officials and media have said there has been no evidence of massive voters fraud as being alleged by Trump. It is a travesty that in the year 2020 we do not have any means of verifying the eligibility of those who cast ballots in an election, and such an important election it is, for determining who they are, whether they live in the state or whether they are even American citizens, Trump alleged. He alleged that the Dominion voting system switched his votes to rival Joe Biden, who is now the President-elect. Ninety-six percent of the company's political donations went to Democrats, not surprisingly. And frankly, when you look at who's running the company, who's in charge, who owns it, which we don't know, where are the votes counted, which we think are counted in foreign countries, not in the United States, he said. Trump said that China is happy with the election results as it did not want him to win. We're going to show it, and hopefully the courts; in particular, the Supreme Court of the United States; will see it. And respectfully, hopefully, they will do what's right for our country. Because our country cannot live with this kind of an election. We could say, Let's go on to the next one'. But no, we have to look also at our past. We can't let this happen. Trump said that the "fraud" that his campaign has collected in recent weeks is overwhelming, having to do with the election. Everyone is saying, Wow, the evidence is overwhelming', when they get to see it. But really, it's too late to change the course of an election. It's too late to change the outcome. In fact, there is still plenty of time to certify the correct winner of the election and that's what we're fighting to do, he said. This is a national disgrace, he said, adding many European countries have instituted major restrictions on mail-in voting specifically because they recognise the nearly unlimited potential for fraud.   The pandemic simply gave the Democrats an excuse to do what they have been trying to do for many, many years. In fact, the very first bill that House Democrats introduced when Nancy Pelosi became speaker was an attempt to mandate universal mail-in voting and eliminate measures such as voter ID, which is so necessary, he said.   Dramatically eroding the integrity of our elections was the Democrat's number one priority for a simple reason: they wanted to steal the 2020 presidential election, he alleged.   Trump said that the only way to determine whether there was an honest vote is to conduct a full review of the envelopes in the relevant states.   You will find that many of them, tens of thousands, have fraudulent signatures. A full forensic audit is required to ensure that only legal ballots from lawfully registered voters that were properly cast are included in the final count, he said.   This election was rigged, he alleged.  
തുടര്ന്ന് വായിക്കുക

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